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Finally, you can manipulate focus just like fast expensive lenses with Bokeh, Alien Skin’s lens simulator Photoshop plug-in. Bokeh can draw attention to your subject by manipulating focus and depth of field after the shot has been taken. From changing the depth of field to placing a radial sweet spot and adding a vignette, Bokeh provides many techniques for realistic blurring and altering the mood of a scene.
Bokeh is the only software that accurately simulates the distinctive blurring and creamy highlights of real lenses. Terence Tay, Bokeh’s designer, performed careful experiments with lenses famous for their bokeh highlights, such as the Canon® EF 85mm f/1.2 II and the Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8. The result is a photo-realistic look, in contrast to the unnatural blur from other software.

Bokeh gives photo-realistic distinctive blurring and creamy highlights. Get creative with full control of a radial sweet spot and vignetting, just like expensive tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh can even render heart-shaped highlights!
Bokeh can draw attention to your subject by manipulating focus and depth of field after the shot has been taken. From changing the depth of field to placing a radial sweet spot and adding a vignette, Bokeh provides many techniques for realistic blurring and altering the mood of a scene.

Alien Skin Software Bokeh are compatible with the 64-bit version of CS 4, but all of our other plug-ins must be installed into and run from the 32-bit version of CS 4. All future product releases and full version upgrades will be 64-bit compatible.
